Destiny 2 patch notes: Hotfix fixes Astral Alignment and adds crossplay chat - steelhavive
Circumstances 2 temporary hookup notes: Hotfix fixes Celestial body Alignment and adds crossplay shoot the breeze

The Destiny 2 patch notes update divulge hotfix is bad small - as hotfixes generally are - but it includes some important changes that fix some activities, mods, and weapons in Destiny 2. However, the Radiant Dance Machines and Wormgod Caress Exotic armor pieces remain disabled. Here are some of the most illustrious updates from the Fortune 2 hotfix patch notes.
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Portion 2 Hotfix patch notes
Destiny 2 Astral Alignment fix
Stellar Alignment, the spick-and-span seasonal activity, was a little disorganised with the launch of Harden of the Bemused, but IT has since been fixed with this Destiny 2 update. The Ethyl ether collection play requires players to charge blue Ether orbs unsuccessful of the air but destroying every single ane caused the bump to lock the entire activity and foreclose any foster come on. Bungie temporarily disabled this receive from popping up in Astral Alinement to come down locking, but it's today back in along with a fix for IT. Temper of the Lost besides brought in crossplay across Destiny 2, but players own been unable to communicate across platforms. Thankfully, that's now been fixed with the addition of cross-platform schmoose.
Lorentz Driver Crucible nerf
The new Lorentz Driver Temper Pass Foreign weapon has also had start out of its Exotic tracking fringe benefit removed, only only in PvP. Lorentz Driver's Lagrangian Sight perk gives the weapon an automatic targeting system that randomly selects a nearby enemy and tracks them with a cherry-red mark, even through walls, until they are dead. This was obviously very irregular in the Crucible where players using the weapon had a unloose random wallhack ability, so Bungie removed the red mark in Melting pot activities. Nevertheless, the targeting system stock-still randomly chooses an enemy that, when defeated, will drop a telemetry pattern.
The new Iron Banner weapons, the Form's Pledge Pulse Pillage and the Peacebond Sidearm, did non experience any specific Fe Banner perks available to get, only at present Forge's Subscribe can roll with Iron Grip and Peacebond bum get Iron Reach. What is more, with the Destiny 2 Flavor of the Mislaid spot update, which adage Warmind Cells and a couple of mods get nerfed, the Global Give modern was supposed to have its energy toll increased from one to trey. Some of you whitethorn have detected that this never happened, but alas its true cost has forthwith been updated to the intended terzetto get-up-and-go.
Destiny cosmetic and allegory fixes
Finally, hotfix brought outgoing a a few minor cosmetic fixes, including a fix for the parvenue Iron Banner and Exotic armor pieces not properly taking shaders, and the new Shards of Galanor ornament non right displaying colors. There was also an issue where Portion 2 players that undergo pre-ordered The Witch Queen expansion did not get the exclusive Clarity allegory showing up in their collections, but that has besides been fixed.
You can read the full hotfix spot notes along Bungie's web log post.
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